The purpose of this brief online survey is to improve the user experience of IN-CHARGE.NET. Please answer truthfully and honestly to better assist us in making the site better for you and other users.
Completion of this survey will enter you in a contest to win 500 tokens. One lucky winner will be selected by 10/16/2021
Your IN-CHARGE.NET Username
Your email
How well can you find what you're looking for on the website? For users, this would be finding clips, people, keywords, etc. For sellers, this would be finding earnings totals, payouts, how to upload, etc.
5 - Extremely easily4 - Somewhat easily3 - Okay but could improve2 - Not so easily1 - I'm lost
What do you like / don't like about IN-CHARGE.NET compared to other video clip / fanclub sites?
How can we improve the homepage of IN-CHARGE.NET or is it perfect as-is?
What device do you mostly access the site from? Computer / laptopMobile deviceTablet
What do you want to see more of on IN-CHARGE.NET?