What’s new?
Members of In-Charge can now chat with each other directly on the website. Our new always-on chat interface is very similar to Facebook messenger. It’s located in the bottom right corner of every page. Once you click ‘Chat’, it allows you to chat with anyone on the list. The list shows who is currently online and who you are following. You can follow members by visiting their profile page. To message them using the always-on window, just click their name and start chatting.
How can I message people I don’t follow and who aren’t online?
You can message members by going to either their profile page or portfolio page and clicking Compose. It’ll open a new chat window to begin chatting.
What if they person isn’t online? Will they get my message?
Yes! Another feature is a fully functioning inbox. Users who aren’t online when you send them a message, will have it sent to their In-Charge.net inbox.
Where can I access my inbox?
The inbox can be accessed either by clicking the mail icon next to your username or navigating to the messaging page located here: http://www.in-charge.net/users/messaging
What messages will I find in my inbox?
In the inbox you will find all messages sent to you by members when you weren’t online. You also will receive site notifications that are important such as if you had a sale and other site related items.
Do messages expire? Can I delete them?
All messages expire after 10 days and will no longer be available. You can delete messages, mark as read, mark as unread, and flag messages from your inbox by using the icons at the top of the message window.
Do I have limits on how many messages I can send?
Currently, you can send up to 100 messages per day. If you are a seller on In-Charge, you can send unlimited messages. If you need to send more than 100 messages per day, you can buy a chat membership from the Re-Charge page.
Why can I send so many messages for free?
Since this is a new feature, we want everyone to use it and enjoy it without restrictions. In the coming months, the number of daily free chat messages will no longer be at 100. Sellers will always get unlimited chat privileges.
How can I tribute someone?
Another feature of the instant messenger, is that members can send tributes directly while chatting by clicking the green money icon. Once clicked, you can send a user any number of tokens in your account. You can also send tributes via the inbox function if that user isn’t online and has sent you an inbox message.
I’m a seller on In-Charge, how much do I earn from tributes?
You will receive your existing rate on the site from all tributes you get from other members.
What if the chat isn’t working properly?
This is a new system and has been tested but sometimes bugs slip through the cracks. If you encounter an error or something acts weird, Contact Us to let us know so we can fix it